jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Objetivo aprender una palabra de inglés al día.

Hello everybody, my name is Luis, I was born in Ubrique. I am 37 years old. I´m married, she calls Sole. I´m teacher of P.e (phisycal Education). My Son calls Luis too. I´m interesting in improve my english, every day we learn a word. Today the word will be:

Día 1 Palabra: nightingale: Ruiseñor.

Día 2 Palabra: sore throat: dolor de gargante. I´ve got (have got) sore throat; tengo dolor de garganta.

Día 3 Upset: molesto/a, molestar. She was upset about her friend´s actions; ella estaba molesta por las acciones de su amiga.

 Thank you for your visit, and see you soon.

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